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信息來源:中國鍛壓協會 發布時間:2017-12-27 9:47:36
本行為工作上規劃表將只能根據這個行業工作上應該就有的時間、地區和內部的校準,也就有新的行為全面放開生育,請喜愛中國現代鍛壓醫學會企業網站 產品信息。 (協)認為協助執行之意;富京子投資有限公司的=山東富京技木子投資有限公司的;雜質期刊社=《煅造與沖壓模具》雜質期刊社有現子投資有限公司的。 中國國鍛壓針灸學會按技術工程專業和互聯網行業開立有16個技術工程專業常務委會和辦公常務委會會,部分話動明確責任了對應常務委會會承辦方。對包涵任何常務委會會技術工程專業游戲內容的話動,該常務委會會同時成為了話動的主辦方或主辦方,但話動表里并沒有找出以下常務委會會名稱,以話動告知為界。

時間 活動 地點 部門
1月 首屆中國鍛造行業人力資源論壇 江蘇泰州 教育培訓服務中心
2018在京領導新春聯誼會 北京 事務部
第七屆第三次理事會暨第七次常務理事會 通訊形式 組織與國際聯絡部
全國 行業研究室
鍛壓行業經濟運行分析會 北京 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
2018(第三屆)優秀鍛造下料技術裝備商聯誼座談會暨鍛造下料技術裝備委員會成立會議 江蘇泰州 展覽部
IMTEX FORMING 2018(參展和組團參觀),2018年1月25-30日 印度 展覽部
整理邀請加入中國鍛壓協會單位名單 全國 組織與國際聯絡部
2月 開展鍛造、沖壓和鈑金與制作行業的熱點、焦點和難點調研 通訊 會議部
“神工獎”評選工作啟動 全國 行業研究室
中國鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作行業優秀工程師、優秀班組長評選啟動 全國 會議部
中國鍛壓協會“協會工作積極分子獎、協會工作突出貢獻獎、行業突出貢獻獎和杰出青年獎評選啟動” 全國 組織與國際聯絡部
鍛造、沖壓、鈑金與制作行業企業信用等級評價工作研究 全國 行業研究室
3月 2018京津冀沖壓行業讀者新春聯誼會 天津 雜志社
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-自由鍛件質量控制與鍛后熱處理工藝 江蘇無錫 教育培訓服務中心
2018年會員征集手冊發布/發展會員 全國 組織與國際聯絡部
成立中國鍛壓協會標準委員會 北京 行業研究室
第三次全國鈑金制作(沖壓)協會會長、秘書長會議 江蘇海安 組織與國際聯絡部
華南地區鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作優秀企業領導聯誼座談會 廣東東莞 展覽部
4月 基礎理論與實用技術研討會--鍛造產學研結合(2018年鍛造行業企業、高校、科研院所交流合作研討會) 待定 會議部
基礎理論與實用技術研討會--沖壓、金屬鈑金制作產學研結合(2018年沖壓、金屬鈑金制作行業企業、高校、科研院所交流合作研討會) 待定 會議部
鍛壓行業經濟運行分析會 北京 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
完成組建中國鍛壓協會數字智能工程服務中心 北京 會議部
2018年軌道交通鍛壓委員會會議-第十二次年會 安徽馬鞍山 軌道交通委員會
5月 第七屆第七次常務理事會 山東章丘 山東伊萊特重工
2018年理事長工作會議 山東章丘 組織與國際聯絡部
十一屆中國汽車沖壓會議-先進輕量化技術高峰論壇 安徽合肥 雜志社
2018金屬成形行業自動化與信息化技術研討會-鍛造行業自動化及信息化應用 廣東廣州 網絡部
中國典型鈑金制作設備與工藝論壇-第十屆中國鈑金加工技術研討會 安徽合肥 雜志社
組團赴墨西哥參觀FABTECH Mexico,2018年5月2-4日 墨西哥 會議部
2018中國鍛造模具與潤滑研討會 待定 會議部
中國典型沖壓設備與工藝論壇--熱沖壓、液壓成形和深拉深發展與創新 待定 會議部
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-沖裁模具設計技巧和拉伸模具設計 安徽 教育培訓服務中心
2018年工業爐委員會會議 待定 展覽部
“頭腦風暴”專家庫專業討論會-鍛造組“大型鍛件模鍛化生產技術” 待定 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
6月 組團赴加拿大參觀FABTECH Canada,2018年6月12-14日 加拿大 會議部
中國汽車鍛件生產設備與工藝技術 待定 會議部
2018中國封頭成形技術研討會 待定 會議部
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-有色金屬鍛造(第二期) 山東 教育培訓服務中心
2018年會員征集手冊發布/發展會員 全國 組織與國際聯絡部
第二十一次全國鍛造(壓)協會秘書長會議 沈陽 沈陽鍛造協會
2018中國鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作行業“一帶一路”發展論壇 北京 雜志社
大鍛件理事會第七次會議 黑龍江富拉爾基 行業研究室
江浙滬優秀沖壓及鈑金制作加工企業領導聯誼會 待定 展覽部
參加和參觀INTERMOLD NAGOYA(名古屋模具加工技術展)2018年6月13-16日 日本 展覽部
7月 中國典型鍛造零部件先進制造技術論壇—齒、軸 江蘇/浙江 雜志社
中國國際金屬成形零部件采購會-2018汽車零部件采購對接會 待定 網絡部
2018年發動機連桿委員會會議 待定 連桿委員會
鍛壓行業經濟運行分析會 待定 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
“頭腦風暴”專家庫專業討論會-沖壓組“模具智能化和全線數字化” 待定 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
8月 2018(東莞)中國國際金屬成形展覽會新聞發布會 廣東東莞 展覽部
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-精沖生產技術培訓班(第三期) 待定 教育培訓服務中心
2018年會員征集手冊發布/發展會員 全國 組織與國際聯絡部
待定 行業研究室
9月 中國鍛壓協會第八屆代表大會
廣東深圳 會議部
中國鍛壓協會“協會工作積極分子獎、協會工作突出貢獻獎、行業突出貢獻獎和杰出青年獎頒獎” 同期同地 組織與國際聯絡部
第七屆第四次理事會暨第八屆常務理事會 同期同地 組織與國際聯絡部
第八屆第一次理事會暨第一次常務理事會 同期同地 組織與國際聯絡部
發布“中國鍛造行業技術、經濟數據調研報告”和“中國沖壓、鈑金制作、封頭行業技術、經濟數據調研報告”(白皮書) 同期同地 行業研究室
發布“中國鍛壓行業相關國家政策解讀(2018)”(藍皮書) 同期同地 行業研究室
鍛件工藝流程設計大賽 同期同地 教育培訓服務中心
沖壓件工藝流程設計大賽 同期同地 教育培訓服務中心
鈑金制作件工藝流程設計大賽 同期同地 教育培訓服務中心
《中國鍛造行業發展研究 》(2018)發布 同期同地 行業研究室
《中國金屬成形行業現狀與發展(沖壓卷)》(2018)發布 同期同地 行業研究室
第53屆國際金屬板材成形聯盟會長會議 廣東深圳 會議部
2018年航空材料成形委員會會議 待定 航材委
廣東東莞 展覽部
中國國際鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作新技術及設備滾動發布會 同期同地 雜志社
優秀鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作裝備供應商推薦 同期同地 展覽部
高校、研究院所與企業之間的項目對接、人才推介 同期同地 展覽部
2018中國國際金屬成形零部件采購會-鍛造、沖壓和鈑金制作零部件采購洽談會 同期同地 網絡部
“神工獎“優質金屬成形零部件評選和頒獎 同期同地 行業研究室
10月 組團赴德參或參加觀EuroBLECH 2018(第25屆國際金屬板材加工技術展覽會),2018年10月23-26日 德國漢諾威 會議部
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-鍛造應用模擬 上海 教育培訓服務中心
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-高速精密沖壓技術 待定 教育培訓服務中心
鍛壓行業經濟運行分析會 北京 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
“頭腦風暴”專家庫專業討論會-鈑金制作組“激光切割與鈑金制作智能化” 待定 頭腦風暴專家服務中心
11月 第十一屆中國精沖技術研討會暨精沖委員會會議 待定 雜志社
《鈑金與制作》讀者交流會 待定 雜志社
組團參觀或參加FABTECH 2018,2018年11月6-8日 美國 會議部
2018中國模鍛行業熱處理工藝及設備研討會 待定 會議部
中國沖壓模具高峰論壇 待定 會議部
現代鍛壓技術培訓班-冷溫鍛模具設計與制造 江蘇 教育培訓服務中心
12月 鍛壓行業經濟運行分析會 北京 行業研究室
2018中國新能源汽車沖壓和鈑金制作機遇與技術論壇 待定 雜志社
京津冀優秀鈑金制作加工企業領導聯誼會 待定 展覽部
2017年白金免費會員有獎征集手冊更新/發展白金免費會員 江蘇省 聚集與時代國際溝通交流部
國鍛壓針灸學會控制講堂-里的型鍛鑄制造業企業不斷發展困難與體系化市場競爭能力 杭州


CCMI's Activities in 2018

The date, venue and topics may be changed according to the demand from our industry. Of course, we also keep the right to originate a new activity. Please take attention to our Website ( frequently. ASS=Assisting. Fukin=Fukin Technologies Services (Beijing).SBD=Standing Board of Director. MSF=Middle and Small Forgers. CSFG=China Sheet-metal Forming Goup. CMFG=China Metal Fabrication Group. There are 16 Branches and Divisions established in CCMI based on specialties and industries in Metal Forming. Some Activities will be organized by one Branch or Division listed in this form. Other Activities related to a Branch or Division will be organized by a Department of CCMI, and the related Branch or Division will certainly be one of the organizers, but those Branch or Division has not been listed in this form., please refer to the Announcement of the Activity carefully when you received.

Month Name Venue/The way Res. Department
Jan 1st China Forging Human Resources Forum Taizhou,Jiangsu Training Service Center
Form Press, INC(ASS)
Spring Festival Meeting’2018-Leadership Beijing Affairs Department
The Third Meeting of The Seventh BD and The Seventh Meeting of The Seventh SBD Post/E-voting Administrative and International Department
Affairs Department(ASS)
Survey of Forging/Stamping/Fabricating Within China Territory Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
Local Associations(ASS)
Economic Performance Analysis (Forging/Stamping/Fabricating) Beijing Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
3rd Forging Billet Preparation Conference’2018
Forging Billet Preparation Meeting’2018
Taizhou,Jiangsu Exhibition Department
Visit Group to and Participate IMTES FORMING 2018 (25/01-30/01, 2018) Indian Exhibition Department
List of Invited to be a Membership Beijing Administrative and International Department
Feb Investigation of Hotspot, Focus and Difficulties in Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Industry Within China Territory Conference Department
Start Selection of “Shen Gong(Masterpiece)” Metal Formed Parts Awards Within China Territory Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
Exhibition Department(ASS)
Start Selection of Appraisal of Excellent Engineer and Excellent Team Leader in Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Industry Within China Territory Conference Department
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
Start Selection of Activist for CCMI, Contributor for CCMI and Industry and Outstanding Youth Within China Territory Administrative and International Department
Affairs Department(ASS)
Discussion of Credit Rating in Forging/Stamping/Fabricating Industry Within China Territory Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
Mar Meeting of Readers of Magazine from Stamping Industry Tianjing Form Press, INC
Modern Metalforming Training Class-Quality Control and Heattreatment of Open-die Forging Wuxi, Jiangsu Training Service Center
Publish of Membership Inviting Manual 2018 Within China Territory Administrative and International Department
Establishment of CCMI Standards Committee Beijing Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
3rd  National Stamping and Fabricating  President and Secretary General Meeting Hai’an, Jiangsu Administrative and International Department
Affairs Department(ASS)
Meeting of Qualified Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Companies from South of China 2018 Dongguan, Guangdong Exhibition Department
Apr The Theory & Practical Tech Meeting-R&D/Education/Production(Forging 2018) Undetermined Conference Department
The Theory & Practical Tech Meeting-R&D/Education/Production(Stamping & Fabrication  2018) Undetermined Conference Department
Economic Performance Analysis (Forging/Stamping/Fabricating) Beijing Brain-storm Expert Service Center(ASS)
Finish  the Establishment of Beijing Conference Department
Fukin (ASS)
Railway and Locomotive Forging Meeting’ 2017-12nd Annual Meeting Undetermined Railway and Locomotive Forging Division
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
May The Seventh Meeting of The Seventh SBD Zhangqiu, Shandong Administrative and International Department
Affairs Department(ASS)
Meeting of Seventh President of CCMI 2018 Zhangqiu, Shandong Shandong IRAETA HEAVY
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
Affairs Department(ASS)
11st AutoStamping China Meeting-Advanced Lightweight Technology Summit Hefei, Anhui Form Press, INC
2018 Network and Information Meeting in Forging & Metalforming Industr- Application of Automatic Technology and Informatization in Forging Industry Guangzhou, Guangdong China Forge and Metalform Net
Fab Summit-10th Fab Processing Tech. Hefei, Anhui Form Press, INC
Visit Group to FABTECH Mexico, (02/05-04/05,2018) Mexico Conference Department
ForgeTool and Lub China Meeting Undetermined Conference Department
StampingSummit-Development and Innovation of Hot Stamping, Hydroforming and Deep Drawing Undetermined Conference Department
Modern Metalforming Training Class-Designing Skills of Punching and Drawing Die Anhui Training Service Center
Industrial Furnace Meeting 2018 Undetermined Exhibition Department
Brain-Storm Expert Meeting-Forging(To Produce the Heavy Forging with Closed-die Forging Process ) Undetermined Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Jun Visit Group to FABTECH Canada(12/06-14/06,2018.6) Canada Conference Department
Automotive Forging Equipment and Process China 2018 Undetermined Conference Department
Container Head Forming Technology Conference’2018 Undetermined Conference Department
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
Container Head Meeting’ 2018
Modern Metalforming Training Class-Nonferrous Alloy Forging (2nd) Shandong Training Service Center
Publish of Membership Inviting Manual 2018 Within China Territory Administrative and International Department
21st National Secretary General Meeting Shengyang, Liaoning Shengyang Forging Association
Administrative and International Department (ASS)
The Band and Road in China Metal Forming Industry 2018 Beijing Form Press, INC
7th HeavyForge Council Meeting Fularji, Heilongjiang Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Meeting of Qualified Stamping & Fabricating Companies from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai 2018 (4th) Undetermined Exhibition Department
Visit Group To and Participate INTERMOLD NAGOYA (13/06-16/06,2018) Japan Exhibition Department
Jul Typical Forge Tech Meeting-Gears, Shaft Jiangsu or Zhejiang Form Press, INC
Buyers Forum-Automobile Forgings 2018 Undetermined China Forge and Metalform Net
Engine con-Rod Meeting’ 2018 Undetermined Engine Con-rod Division
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
Economic Performance Analysis (Forging/Stamping/Fabricating) Beijing Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Brain-Storm Expert Meeting-Stamping(Intelligent Tooling and Production Line Digitization ) Undetermined Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Aug News Press for MetalForm China 2018 (Dongguan) Dongguan, Guangdong Exhibition Department
Modern Metalforming Training Class-Fine Blanking (3rd) Undetermined Training Servicer Center
Publish of Membership Inviting Manual 2018 Within China Territory Administrative and International Department
Symposium of CCMI Standards Undetermined Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Sep (SepDay) The 8th Members’ Representative Assembly
- 17th ChinaForge Fair Conference(Closed-die Forging Directors Meeting’ 2018)
-17th ChinaForge Fair Conference (Open-die Forging Directors Meeting’ 2018)
-11st MetalForm Conference(Stamping Directors Meeting’ 2018)
-11st MetalForm Conference(Sheet-metal Forming Meeting’2018)
--To Award Prizes of   Excellent Engineer and Excellent Team Leader
- Forum of Forging Industrial Agglomeration in China
Shenzhen, Guangdong Conference Department
To Award Prizes of   Activist for CCMI, Contributor for CCMI and Industry and Outstanding Youth During the 8th MRA Administrative and International Department
Affairs Department (ASS)
The Fourth Meeting of The Seventh BD and The Eighth Meeting of The Seventh SBD During the 8th MRA Administrative and International Department
The First Meeting of The Eighth BD and The First Meeting of The Eighth SBD During the 8th MRA Administrative and International Department
Survey Data Publicity of  Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Industry (White Book 2018) During the 8th MRA Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Policy Published Concerning Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Industry (Blue Book 2018) During the 8th MRA Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
To Award Prizes for Forging Process Designing Contest During the 8th MRA Training Service Center
To Award Prizes for Stamping Process Designing Contest During the 8th MRA Training Service Center
To Award Prizes for Fabricating Process Designing Contest During the 8th MRA Training Service Center
To Publish Report on Forging 2018 During the 8th MRA Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
To Publish Report on Metalforming (Stamping 2018) During the 8th MRA Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
53rd  ICOSPA President Meeting Shenzhen, Guangdong Conference Department
Aeronautical Materials Forming Meeting’ 2018 Undetermined Aeronautical Materials Forming Group
Administrative and International   Department(ASS)
MetalForm China 2018
-ChinaForge Fair 2018
-Sheetmetal China 2018
-MetalFab China 2018
-MetalComp China 2018
Dongguan, Guangdong Exhibition Department
China International Latest Technology and Products Promotion Press During MetalForm China Form Press, INC
Exhibition Department(ASS)
Qualified Suppliers Recommended During MetalForm China Exhibition Department
On-site Promotion Meeting for Technology and Talents During MetalForm China Exhibition Department
China International Buyers Forum 2018 for Forging, Stamping and Fabricating Parts During MetalForm China China Forge and Metalform Net
Shen Gong(Masterpiece)” Metal Formed Parts Awards During MetalForm China Lab for Forging and Metalforming Industry
Oct Visit Group to or Participate EuroBlech 2018 (23/10-26/10,2018) Hanover, Germany Conference Department
Exhibition Department
Modern Metalforming Training Class-Forging Simulation Undetermined Training Service Center
Modern Metalforming Training Class- High Speed Stamping Technology Undetermined Training Service Center
Economic Performance Analysis   (Forging/Stamping/Fabricating) Beijing Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Brain-Storm Expert Meeting-Fabricating(Laser Cut and Intelligent Fabricating) Undetermined Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Nov Fine Blanking Technology Conference’ 2018 (11st) Undetermined Form Press, INC
Administrative and International Department(ASS)
Fine Blanking Meeting’ 2018
Meeting of Readers of Undetermined Form Press, INC
Visit Group to and Participate Fabtech 2018 (06/11-08/11,2018) America Conference Department
Exhibition Department
ForgeHeat Treatment Conference-Closed-die 2018 Undetermined Conference Department
Pressing Tooling China Summit 2018 Undetermined Conference Department
Modern Metalforming Training Class- Cold and Warm Forging Die Jiangsu Training Service Center
Dec Economic Performance Analysis   (Forging/Stamping/Fabricating) Beijing Brain-storm Expert Service Center
Summit of Metal Forming Chance and Technology Development  from New Energy Vehicle 2018 Undetermined Form Press, INC
Meeting of Qualified Fabricating Companies from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei 2018 Undetermined Exhibition Department
Publish of Membership Inviting Manual 2018 Within China Territory Administrative and International Department
Management Salon-Confusion & Core-competitiveness in MSF Undetermined Training Service Center
Conference Department (ASS)

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中國鍛壓協會 · 鍛鑄在網絡上博覽會會
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